Rebekah Pilypaitis

Copyright 2023—Rebekah Pilypaitis/The Pink Platypus Art Studio

Hello! Thank you for viewing my work! I am Rebekah, a mom of two, an art educator, and an artist. I live in Omaha, NE where the Pink Platypus Art Studio resides. I am an illustrator, fine artist, photographer, and ceramicist who plays with colors, textures, and materials. I am graduating from Savannah College of Art and Design with an M.A. in Illustration and creating and designing stories based on my husband’s bedtime stories created for our daughters. The Adventures of Marlin Walnut are even more special to me, as my oldest daughter, Ingrid, has been collaborating with me creating these characters. My illustrations are inspired profoundly by the role I play as a mom (involving mental health). Other illustrations are inspired by environmental themes dealing with conservation and sustainability.

My thesis series for Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) was so much fun, I thought I would share it all! I created illustrated spreads for a book my husband Mike wrote inspired by his amazing bedtime stories for our daughters! I am lucky enough to have two beautiful little girls who were able to help with the process. Ingrid (age 10) helped with the character development and Scarlett (age 7) helped add some texture with her wonderful watercolor painting skills! The story is about Marlin and Shaira taking their friends on an ice cream adventure! I am so excited to expand on this, finish the book—and potentially take more bedtime stories and turn them into more books. The characters were made with all the love and creativity in our hearts—and have meaningful message in all the books. I love to engage readers with interactive moments throughout the book and offer bright and colorful pages to enjoy along the way.

I have been an art educator for Omaha Public Schools for over a decade, where I teach pottery, graphic design, and art classes. I love being an art teacher because it is so important to me to advocate for the arts as well as our students, it gives me such purpose and joy seeing students succeed and find joy in the arts.



Please feel free to contact me at the email address below—